I am Jon Sherman and creator of Eclectic Fitness. I’m passionate about helping people achieve their fitness and health goals. I’m a CPT with a B.S. in Kinesiology, with a emphasis in Exercise Science, as well as several certifications in the health and fitness field, including:
ACE Personal Trainer Cert.
Level 1 USA Weightlifting Coach
Trigger Point Myofascial Release Compression Technique Cert.
LEVO Technique Cert.
Resist-A-Ball Core instructor
BOSU Balance Cert.
Reaction Cycling Cert.
P.N.F. Stretch Cert.
Older Adult Fitness Cert.
Cardio Kick Boxing Instructor
Nutrition & Lifestyle Health Coach

As an avid runner and cyclist since 1986, I’ve enjoyed competing in several events, including STP, Rock-n-Roll, Portland and Seattle Marathon. I also hold a green belt in Tae Kwon Do, which I competed internationally placing Bronz. I pride myself in sustaining my own athletic ability and that of my clients’ by what I call an eclectic style of training (using all my education and training).
While working to achieve my clients’ individual goals, my training style incorporates:
Core conditioning
Functional muscle strength (movement)
Cardiovascular endurance
Postural stability
Injury Prevention
Overall fitness